Its been a while since I posted but I have ben busy. We finally got back to our home in the States in November after spending lockdowns and things with family in the UK. Just prior to leaving I gave up my studio in the UK and then was asked to hang an exhibition at the centre I had been working in so that was great. Thank you to my fellow artist Debbie for being there to take it down and get the paintings stored for me until my return in the spring. 3 days after getting here I had an exhibition to hang downtown in a local gallery which was fun. Luckily I had done a body of work before I left in 2020 and I had even framed everything so that was amazing. Little did I know it would be nearly two years before I could exhibit it. Turned out to be one of my most successful shows ever, 12 pieces sold so well worth coming back for. Now working on a redo of an 8ft by 4ft commission so the house is full of lovely oil paint smells. Planning a summer residency in the UK this year and working on another 8ft by 4ft canvas so taking it easy! Looking forward to more teaching during the residency in the summer. Love what I do. Here is a sneaky pic of what I am working on, still a work in progress.